THE TRAIN TO MOSCOW - A JOURNEY TO UTOPIA | Italian | 70 min | 8mm, HD
The Train to Moscow chronicles the end of an era and the end of a dream through the eyes of Sauro Ravaglia, an amateur film-maker, barber and communist. It is 1957 and Alfonsine is just one of the many small towns in Italy's Emilia-Romagna region where communist local governments have reigned supreme in the wake of the destruction wreaked by the war. Sauro and his friends dream of a world of peace, brotherhood, and equality: they dream of the Soviet Union. A once in a lifetime opportunity comes their way when they have the chance of attending the World Festival of Socialist Youth in Moscow. Sauro and his friends arm themselves with an 8mm camera to film their great journey. What happen when they come face to face with their utopian dream?
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World Sales: Slingshot films- Manuela Buono
Mob.: (39) 347 62 73 390