'The Enemy Within' screened at the Cineteca di Bologna

The 'Enemy Within' will be screened at the Cineteca di Bologna (Italy) on April the 7th at 8 pm. Details available at the Cineteca's website
The 'Enemy Within' will be screened at the Cineteca di Bologna (Italy) on April the 7th at 8 pm. Details available at the Cineteca's website
Merica' and 'The Enemy Within' have been selected for the "Univerciné- cinéma italien" Festival (Italian film Festival), in Nantes, France. Both documentaries will be screened on February the 7th from 4 pm at the Katorza Cinema.
"Il treno va a Mosca", Vezfilm's new project (in coproduction with Kiné, with the support of Home Movies and the Istituto Parri) has been presented for a funding competition in Bologna, and has won the support of the region Emilia-Romagna for development. To our surprise, the news was picked up by leading Italian national newspaper "La Repubblica" (See article here). For more details on the project, click here.
The EU-Funded Challenge programme has the pleasure to draw your attention to a multimedia module that critically engages with debates about balancing liberty and security in the European Union, including the changing nature of border controls and war.
Edited by Jef Huysmans and Francesco Ragazzi, it integrates findings from CHALLENGE (The Changing Landscape of European Liberty and Security), a European Commission funded FP6 project (2004-2009) in a most original combination of texts, videos and audios. Using visual tools and a flexible navigation system they make the complexity and political stakes of contemporary security practices accessible to a wider public. Its modular approach makes it also an excellent tool to support teaching.
It now online at the following address : http://www.libertysecurity.org/module. It is also available in the DVD format, which can be obtained at the following address: http://www.vezfilm.org/libertysecurity-dvd
"The enemy within", produced by vezfilm for Al Jazeera documentary channel will be screened at the EuropaCinema in Bologna Friday 23th October at 16 during the DOCUNDER30 festival.
Merica and Banliyo- Banlieue, both produced by Vezfilm, will be screened between October 22 and 25 at the Festival "Merica! Vecchie e Nuove emigrazioni" at the Cinema Gnomo, in Milan (Italy).
For the full Festival's Program click here
Vezfilm will be present at Sheffield Doc/Fest, looking forward to meeting executive producers for the project "The Al Qaeda Manual".
We will also be looking forward to meeting NGOs and associations that want to join in.
As part of the IX week of the Italian language in the world 'Merica' will be screened at the Memorial do Imigrante in Sao Paulo (Brazil) Saturday 24th October at 12.00.
To see the news of "Merica" since its release in 2008, visit the official website of the film : http://www.mericadoc.org
The site (mostly in Italian) contains information about all previous screenings, awards, interviews, press reviews, and more.